


About the author

Fries is deep-fried and made crispy by Jaune Sarmiento. He is a software engineer at Proudcloud and loves coffee so much. If you love what he does, buy him a beer, or drop an email to


The inspiration

Ratchet was the inspiration behind Fries. Same as Fries, Ratchet is a prototyping framework using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but for iPhone apps. Kudos to the Ratchet team for being an inspiration.


Others who made it worthwhile

The author would like to thank everyone who has been furiously reporting bugs (and fixing them), and have been suggesting features to Fries.


Special thanks

Official Android Icons and some content

Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License.

Android Action Bar Icon Pack

By Tobias Bieniek also under Creative Commons 2.5 License.